Carmelita online

I saw a shirt once that said "Procrastinate now." I like to follow instructions...

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Location: Australia

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

cant post, planning lessons...


Blogger tash said...

man all i ever hear from you teachers is whinge whinge i have to lesson plan. whinge, my life is too busy because i have lessons to plan. whinge.

well since you're all planning lessons, why can't one big set of lessons be planned and distributed amongst all you whingers.

there's worse things in life than lesson plans. you don't see me whinging that i have to draft affidavits. my life is too busy, i have to draft an affidavit!

...okay maybe i'm slightly bitter. carry on then.

still love you,

Thursday, February 01, 2007 9:09:00 am  
Blogger Richard Pettypiece said...

in defense of the lesson plan, i must say it's an organic process that really can be decided by no one but the teacher in relation to how students are (or aren't) progressing, assessing their various learning styles and levels of understanding, and maintaining balance and equity in the classroom.

we're talking about giving the tools to the next generation of students to carry on the world of tomorrow (or something to that effect).

(if you don't know me, that was said in the most tongue-in-cheek voice possible).


Thursday, February 01, 2007 12:04:00 pm  
Blogger caz said...

how many affidavits do you have to draft per day? i love you tash!

and actually, i'm in favour of a national curriculum but if you read the paper you'll see how contravertial that is...

cheers dingle, thanks for the support! and in defense of national curriculum, it would still be organic and each teacher would adapt the program to suit their class skill level and environment...

Friday, February 02, 2007 5:58:00 pm  
Blogger shazzarey said...

omg i'm so ready for a national curriculum! then half these maths website would actually be useful!!! and while we're at it can we please have a national graphics calculator? looking for GC resources is tough when there's three different ones used in Australia.

Friday, February 02, 2007 6:44:00 pm  
Blogger caz said...

i know! i'm used to HP and this school has casio... its quite the rivalry!

Friday, February 02, 2007 7:54:00 pm  
Blogger tash said...


Monday, February 05, 2007 10:34:00 am  
Blogger shazzarey said...

i'm over it caz...i'm soooooooo over it...and its only week 2 :(
maybe it was just a bad day. yes i'll blame it on my bad day (and my lack of planning last night which led to my bad day...)
anywho...tash - you're a dork!

Monday, February 05, 2007 4:54:00 pm  
Blogger tash said...

uh huh.. there's the familiar teacher whinge whinge i was talking about..

boo hoo i get too much annual leave.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007 2:50:00 pm  
Blogger caz said...

i dont think the silent treatment is working with these kids... i have to shout... they dont understand anything else!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007 7:49:00 pm  
Blogger Richard Pettypiece said...

hey caz, this has nothing to do with voice volume in classrooms, but i have changed my picture.

Saturday, February 10, 2007 8:58:00 am  

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