Welcome to Katanning
The start of our big adventure- how exciting!
Driving down south is much greener and lusher than up north (look in the distance- sweet view)
The scenery flies by when the speed limit is 110... ;)
"Welcome to Katanning" it took us a while to fit both our heads and the whole of the word "Katanning" in but then we used our brains (we have degrees!) and realised we needed to go from an angle.
The Daily Grind- the place to be.
It was all smiles and laughter until we saw where we were staying...
(These photos actually make the place look amazingly beautiful) Shazza Rey expands more on the conditions of our flat... Did I mention the people before us had small (dirty) children and dogs? And our bathroom floods everytime we have a shower or flush the toilet... nice.
We promptly starting moving furniture and got out the domestos (thanks Soheila- life saver!)
Not so smiley faces now...
I'm too tired to post now about school, but stay tuned for my saga with Carl!